Hi everyone!

Hi Poké Students! How are you doing?

We are Pokémons, and we are so excited to meet you! We are going to work together for a year! Isn't it cool? For us, it is amazing. During this year we will learn a lot about Social Sciences, and we will also learn from each other!

Let's start this amazing adventure together!

Meet our team!

 Hello students! 


My name is Pikachu and in this section I am going to introduce you to our  great team that will accompany you during your learning adventure. Pay attention to not forget anyone!

First, my best friends, Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. We will be your guides during the whole process. I hope we become good friends!

    BULBASAUR               CHARMANDER                SQUIRTLE

Our team of trainers will help all of you to review the revious contents and the new ones. Don't get sad! They are very creative and I am sure that you will have fun with them at the same time that you will learn.

Give them a huge welcome!

And, of course, we can't forget about the Team Rocket: Jessie, James and Meowth. Yeah, I now what you think about them, but they can help you too! They will provide some challenges to demostrate your skills. 

Here they come!

Prepare for trouble... 
...and make it double! 
To protect the world from devastation! 
To unite all peoples within our nation! 
To denounce the evils of truth and love! 
To extend our reach to the stars above! 
Team Rocket, blasting off at the speed of light! 
Surrender now or prepare to fight! 
Meowth! That's right.

Have you come this far? Then you deserve to know that you will make many more friends that will appear during our adventure. Are you ready?

Our adventure starts!

 Tuesday, 13th of September 2022

Hello class! I'm Charmander. I hope you are as enthusiastic as I am to start this new course, I promise you that my friends and I have prepared very cool adventures for you!

Today is our first day, so let's start by looking at what we remember or know about the weather...

I love it when I go outside and see that...

NO SPOILERS!!! Charmander you've interrupted my breakfast... 

OK, then you go on with the class
Boy, do I have an audience... Hi, I'm
Togepi. We're not going to give you any hints about the weather, so you'll have to do your best.

For this, we are going to play a game called: "Gartic Phone". 


The first thing you will have to do is to write something about atmospheric weather, then you will each get an idea from another classmate and you will have to draw it. After that, you will receive a drawing and you will have to make it very similar, so that at the end, you will have to guess what it is about.

Let's see how you do! Click here to play

How many of them have you guessed? What have you found out about the weather?

Tomorrow we will start with the atmosphere and learn a lot! Have a nice day 


  Wednesday, 14th of September 2022

Have you ever thought of travelling beyond the blue sky? 

Well, I have... I took a run, I jumped and BANG!

What a blow...

Hi guys, I need your help to know what lies beyond, because there is something, isn't there? 

Let's call our friend Lugia.


Don't get intense with us... We need you for a mission, you have to fly high and show us what's up there, okay?

Leave it to me Charmander, I'll guide you.

Now that we have learned about the layers of the atmosphere in class, let's see how you do with my challenge.

Activity 1.
Which layers of the atmosphere will Lugia pass through? Match each layer with its name:

You can do it in your notebook or online by clicking here

Yes, that's the way.

On my journey I am finding a few things...

Activity 2.
Lugia doesn't know where he's flying, but there are identifiers for the layers of atmosphere... can you tell him where he is?

I have learned a lot, thank you guys so much! It's been fantastic

Rest those prodigious minds for the next day, it doesn't end here!

What is the weather like today?

 Friday, 16th of September 2022

Good morning, how are you? 

Is it hot, windy or raining? So many possibilities!

*Someone*: Pss, Charmander...

Who's around?

Today I want to participate, my name is Pidgeot, and in case you were wondering.... If it's raining, hot or windy, it's for a REASON.

Charmander: All right... As you wish.

Great!! As we have learned in class there is the atmosphere is not at rest, there are continuous changes of state that determine the atmospheric weather.

Activity 1.
First of all, you need to know what weather is. Put the boxes in order to form your definition!

Incredible, now we are going to demonstrate everything we know about the main elements that determine the weather, here we go!          

Activity 2.
On the screen you will find hidden clues to guess which element it is. When you find the clues, you will have to write them down and try to guess the element. To find out if you have guessed correctly, you will have to click on the show answer button. In this way, we will have our flashcards to associate each element with its definition and characteristics. You can do it!

What an amazing job you have done, congratulations! I loved it, keep learning and overcoming the challenges.
See you again!

But where does the rain come from?

 Tuesday, 20th of September 2022


Good morning my little fireworks, today I have a very special guest who has organised some activities... He will tell you all about it

One thing, listen to him!

Hey little students, my name is Tornadus
It's going to rain today.... Yes yes, because I say so, well.... It rather depends on some factors, do you want to know which ones?

  1. Clouds
Guys, my friend is lost. He needs to get to a party on time, but there are questions and he doesn't know which option to choose.. Can you give him a hand?

Thank you very much for your help! You have proven to be very knowledgeable.... Now, let's see what else you know!

  2. How do clouds and precipitation form?
Water follows an endless cycle that makes it rain, what are the phases that make it up called?
You can do it in your notebook or online by clicking here

And now my question is... could we make this happen in our classroom? I told you it would rain...

Watch this video!

What fun! The weight of the rainfall causes it to fall downwards, just like when clouds form after the water vapour has cooled down.

Now it's your turn, have fun making clouds (I will also create), see you next day with the precipitation types!

Rain, drizzle or downpour?

 Wednesday, 21st of September 2022

Rain, drizzle, downpour, hail, snow.... ok, got it

Rain, drizzle, downpour, snow... That's not how it was...

Rain, snow, chameleons... What a dizziness!

Good morning guys, more regular than good... Today I got a good amount of water but I don't know if it was rain, downpour, hail... There are so many types of precipitations!  Have you ever noticed? I'm very curious and I like to know what's falling on me.

I Farfetch'd teach you what falls on you, not be chameleons.


Go ahead then master Farfetch' d

Activity 1.

Lesson 1 for student is to link the different types of precipitation with their corresponding definitions.

Don't forget to check answers and correct

You can already start as a chameleon learner

Charmander (in the distance): Leave the chameleons alone!

Spies to my not like...

Activity 2.

Very well done little chameleons... now it's time to distinguish these features in images that are hard to understand, but you are very good, I'm sure you'll get it!

Lesson 2 for students, guess what kind of precipitation the picture shows

Very good job, you are no longer little chameleons, now you are big dragons!

Keep it up students, see you in the next lesson

Time to calculate and measure!

 Friday, 23rd of September 2022

What a gadget, with buttons I can't press because I don't have fingers... You humans invent things for everything

We can even find something for each of the things we have learned these two weeks 

Do you know any of them?

Let's see what we find!

*Toc, toc*

Charmander, how dare you not tell me you were doing challenges? I want to participate today too

*In Charmander's head: that's not quite true, everyone here has done activities except me...* 

It's okay Froakie, I'm sure you've got something cool we can do today.

Froakie (very excited): Of course I will!


For today we have all the measuring instruments we need for what we have studied.

We asked ourselves: how do we measure the amount of precipitation? and what about temperature?

Let's look at all this and with examples (some we see in our day to day life and some not so much) to review it! 

  • Do you know where we can find all these devices at the same time?
  • What is the function of this?
  • What is the use of the stand?
  • Complete in your notebook (instrument name and uses):

Oh my goodness! How many things we have learned 

That's all for today, see you next week with much more, see you guys!


  Tuesday, 27th of September 2022


I introduce myself, I am your trainer and friend Max.

Today is an important day, because I am going to train you for a very special event... are you ready?

Let's do it!

You can do these activities in teams, choose a name and create a slogan.

Activity 1.

I have a series of questions for you, how many will you be able to answer?

Very well done, you have impressed me!

Activity 2.

What do you make of this?

Can you guess each instrument or precipitation type?

That's great teamwork!

Finally, could you tell me what each measuring instrument is used for? You can do it by clicking the correct answer:

You have finished me off, you are geniuses! I hope you perform as well in the event they have prepared for you... Here's a hint, it will be held next week and it will be our last day looking at this topic! See you all


  Wednesday, 28th of September 2022

Prepare for trouble...
...and make it double!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all peoples within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team Rocket, blasting off at the speed of light!
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth! That's right.

James: Nice to meet you...

Jessie: At last we meet face to face.

Meowth: I've been waiting a long time for this!

Charmander: Guys, Team Rocket is here!

To get rid of them we must go beyond what we have learned and do an extension activity.

We are capable to do it, let's go!

Jessie: We are so evil that we are going to leave you lost in a meteorological satellite. If you want to get out of there, you'll have to get the code that will open the door... but that's not possible *evil laugh*.

See ya!


It wasn't serious, we promise, it was just a joke... It was fun, wasn't it? Yes it was... RUN!

Charmander: I'll take care of it...

So you'll think twice next time...

We have given them what they deserved, very good!

Let's hope that next day you won't be locked up anywhere, goodbye!