The relief of Spain

Friday, 11th of November 2022

Hey! It's FriYEY! 

Since today is the last day of the week, we are going to have a relaxed and fun class. 

Hope you enjoy it!

Hello! My name is Rockruff. I'm so excited to be here, I've heard amazing things about you.

Are you ready to start? We are going to review the relief of Spain. I like that because there are many mountains and places to visit in your country. So, let's discover some of them.

Activity 1

Place the following landforms on the map: Macizo Galaico, Cordillera Cantábrica, Montes de León, Montes Vascos, Pirineos, pico Aneto, Cordilleras Costero-catalanas, depresión del Ebro, depresión del Guadalquivir, Sistema Ibérico, Sierra de Tramuntana,  Sistema Central,  Submeseta Norte, Submeseta Sur, Montes de Toledo, Sierra Morena, Cordillera Subbética, Cordilleras Béticas, Cordillera Penibética, pico Mulhacén, pico Veleta, pico Teide.

Great job! 

Now, let's practice with some interactive maps. 

Are you ready to have fun?

Activity 2

Interactive maps (Resource: EducaPlay):

Excellent! It has been amazing working with you. 

The class is over, enjoy the rest of the time and have a nice weekend!

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