The population in Spain

Thursday, 19th of January 2023

Hi!! Yesterday you learnt with Blissey about the Population Pyramid, are you ready for a new learning with an old friend of mine?

Hello Poké-students, I am Delcathy!! I am so excited to learn with you about the spanish population and its evolution, let's go!



  4. The population in Spain.

4.1. The distribution of spanish population.


Now, answer some questions about the map:

1.- Which community has the most population?

2.- Which community has the less population?

3.- According to what you already know... why there are more population in the coast?


4.1. The evolution of spanish population.


Now, answer some questions about this line:

1.- Was the real growth in Spain up to 2010 positive or negative? Why?
2.- What is currently happening with the Spanish population?

This is all for today, it was so nice to meet you! Byeee

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