What the population is like

 Wednesday, 18th of January 2023

Hello! Yesterday you learnt with Skitty about the register and the census, are you ready for a new learning with another of my friends?


Hi Poké-students! I am Blissey and today we are going to learn about what the population is like.

Let´s go!

    3.What is the population like?

First, I would like you to do this quiz that I have prepared for you! Click here


Woow! You are really good and you know all these concepts really good! Let's get into something more challenging for you... it is time for you to see a real population pyramid! Here it is the Population Pyramid that my students did last year about their school:



If we analyse this pyramid, we can realise that the school had:

To end this session, I want you to create a population pyramid
(you also have to create a table with all the data) from the following statement:

In my school there are a total of 292 students, 152 of them are boys and 140 are girls that are distributed like this:

            - Twelve 6-years-old boys and eight 6-years-old girls

            Twenty-two 7-years-old boys and twenty-eight 7-years-old girls

            Twenty-two 8-years-old boys and twenty 8-years-old girls

            - Thirty-two 9-years-old boysand twenty 9-years-old girls

            - Twenty-four 10-years-old boys and twenty 10-years-old girls 

            - Twenty- four 11-years-old boys and thirty-two 11-years-old girls 

            - Sixteen 12-years-old boys  and twelve 12-years-old girls


This is all for today! You did a really good job, keep doing like this! Byeee 

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