Friday, 28th of October 2022
Happy friday!
Today we are going to learn about Spain's rivers. I guess you remember some form last year. Today we are going to remember them and learn some facts about them.
Helloooo! I am Ducklett.
As you have seen, in Spain there are long and short rivers, with a lot of flow and with little. And they flow into three watersheds: the Mediterranean watershed, the Cantabrian watershed and the Atlantic watershed. Easy, right?
In addition to know their characteristics, it is important to know where the rivers are located. For that, we are going to practice with some maps.
Activity 1.
Place the following rivers on the map: Duero, Ebro, Guadalquivir, Guadiana, Júcar. Miño, Nalón, Nervión, Segura, Tajo and Turia.
Activity 2.
Complete the table with the corresponding information for each river.
Remember that next week we have an exam, so don't forget to study and enjoy the weekend!
Now, to finish for today, we're going to make some interactive maps.
Activity 3.
Interactive maps. Click on the title to go to the map.
Spain's rivers (Resource: EducaPlay)
Watersheds and rivers (Resource: EducaPlay)
Fill in the following diagram about rivers.
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