
Wednesday, 2nd of November 2022

Hi! I've come to see how your projects are going. I am very excited about the results.

Keep working!

OMG! I'm so excited about finally meeting you Poké Students!

My name is Brock and I will be your companion for the review of all you have seen about The Water on Earth.

Are you ready? Let's go!

We are going to start with two activities about the hydrosphere. Do you remember what is it?

Activity 1. 

Right concepts. Drag each element to the group they should be in. (Click on the title to go to the activity).

Fresh and salt water

Activity 2.

Match the words with the picture. (Click on the title to go to the activity).

Water on Earth

Great job!

The hydrosphere is all the waters on Earth. There's two types of water: salt water, we can find it in the oceans and the seas; and fresh water, we can find it in rivers, lakes, glaciers and aquifers.

Now is time to oceans' movements! Let's do one activity.

Activity 3.

Read the definition and choose the word. (Click on the title to go to the activity).

Oceans' movements

Wow! I can see that my friends did a really good job. And you too, of course!

All of you have the necessary to become a water trainer, Poke Students!

There are three types of oceans movements: tides, waves and ocean currents. You enjoyed the expriments, right? Because you dominate this area!

And... what about rivers?

Activity 4.

Label the parts of the river course. (Click on the titles to go to the activity) (Resource: WordWall).

Course of a river I 

Course of a river II

Activity 5.

Look for the rivers of Spain that are described below:

1. It source is in the Cantabrian Mountain Range and flows into the Mediterraean Sea.

2. Longest river of the Iberian Peninsula.

3. It is navigable in the lower course.

4. It runs through the Northern Sub-plateau and flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

5. It borns and flows in Galicia.

6. A part of its flow marks the border between Spain and Portugal.

EXCELLENT!! You are more than ready for anything that may come your way!

It has been a pleasure to work with you. I leave really happy. 

Keep working like that!

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