Small review - Axew and Iris need a hand

 Wednesday, 8th of February 2023

Oh, hi guys, I didn't notice you were there, let me introduce ourselves. I'm Iris a pokemon trainer that loves the nature and this is my small companion, Axew.

Squirtle told us to help him teaching you but he said he is sick and needs to rest for today so let's review the contents that you have already seen in this unit.

1. Can you find them?
Oh no! I messed up, I found some jobs to work with but they are all mixed up, please help me find them, this is to hard for me!

There are 10 missing professions, please write down the ones you get.

Oh nice, thank you guys! We found them all! We are so happy! Now we can start with the activities that I have prepared.

2. Classify the professions.

Axew: Come on guys you were so slow!

Iris: Axew! I'm sorry guys, he didn't mean to say that. Let's start with the activity that I have planned, in order to do this you will have to classiffy the professions that you have found before in here:

Well done guys! We are so happy to get to the last activity! Let's end this fast!

3. Draw and say.

Let's go into our last adventure together!
This last activity consists in drawing our family members, write just above them their jobs and classify them in the right sector. Let's do it!

Nice! We are done! Thank you so much guys for sharing such a nice time with me!

See you guys! Good luck in your future adventures! We would love to see you again!

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